So today, like 5 minutes ago, my best pal was feeling a little down. So I decided to dedicate a post to her.
So some of you guys who do not know me, or maybe do but don't really know anything about me, may have seen pictures of me and this adorable woman. Well let me go ahead and introduce her!
Her name is Catherine Connolly and she goes to Mizzou! While it sucks that she is so far away from me, she seems to be enjoying everything that her school has to offer her! Catherine and I first became friends at a birthday sleepover in the 7th grade. We instantly became friends and have been close ever since. Catherine has always been the type of person that people are drawn towards. Besides all the great qualities about her there is just something that really draws people towards her.
So what is so great about her? There must be something amazing about her if i'm randomly deciding to make a post about her...right? Well duh! But there isn't just ONE thing that is amazing about my dear friend, there are many. So im going to talk about a few that really stick out to me.
Ever since becoming friends with Catherine I have always been able to talk to her about anything. She is one of the few people that knows EVERYTHING about me. Even when I mess up and do something that I can't even imagine telling someone, I tell her. She never judges me, which is such an amazing quality to have, especially since so many people feel the need to yell out all of their unwanted opinions. Yet, even though I have made my fair share of mistakes she just sits and listens. While she does not judge me, or shun me away from being her friend...she does let me know how she feels about the situation, which is what everyone needs. Everyone needs some people or a person in their life that will tell them how it really is. And Catherine is one of the two people that is that person for me. She lets me know that she always loves me, but sometimes I mess up and need to get myself out of that situation.
Catherine is that person that I call when I have nothing to do. She is always ready for a spontaneous adventure. Anything from randomly driving to Dallas or to just cruise around our town and sing lyrics we first heard in middle school. She is the person that can turn a lazy day in to a day where we over-analyze tv shows and movies. She is the person that will watch scary movies with me, research the ending, and then stand in the shower while I pee because im too scared to go alone haha. Catherine is that person where silences aren't a bad thing and aren't awkward. And while she's the person I call when I have NOTHING to do, she is also always my first choice when I actually HAVE something to do. She's the person I want to bring shopping, to a family dinner, to a drive in movie. She's the person that I would buy a $300 plane ticket to see for just a weekend, because it wouldn't matter how much it cost that at least I get to see my best friend. She's the person that I would want to take if I was going out of the country (LIKE PRAGUE NEXT SUMMER!!). Catherine is the type of person that I call when I have nothing to do or a very extravagant plan.
She is also one of the few people that can make me laugh non-stop. Cat is a very funny person, but I don't think enough people realize how hilarious she actually is; because some people refuse to take time out of their lives to listen to her. Catherine has a very dry sense of humor that comes out at the most perfect times. She is the kind of person that can make a horrible day turn around because of her humor, like that time a hit a duck (may he rest in peace) and call you sobbing over the phone. While she can be outwardly funny she is also just hilarious by making the most out of life and anything that comes her way. She can make any situation hilarious, kind of like how every piece of technology you have breaks (no matter how many times you take it in to get fixed).
She is also one of the smartest people that I have ever known. In high school she would always talk about how she felt that she didn't really have anything that she was good at. I was a singer, our friend paige was a dancer, and she would talk about how others could do this and that and whatever. But out of all the things that she was good at, one of the most noticeable was her intellect. I feel that in our society today knowledge can be overlooked in certain places. Especially places like High School...where the only things that seem to matter is money and superficials. But in reality I think one of the greatest quality anyone can have is intellect. I have always envied Cat on this, I would think that after being friends with me for years she would know this. But in case you/she doesn't know, I have always envied how intelligent you are. She catches on to any subject quickly, no matter what it is. People can say what they want about this amazing girl, but no one could ever convince themselves that she is stupid.
Cat is also one of the people that has never failed to be there for me. She was an incredible support system when I went through my breakup with Allen. She understood everything I was trying to say even when it made no sense. She let me cry and bitch and whine for months about how much it hurt. She has been there for me when I felt so lost at school, college and high school. She's listened to my stories and all my issues and has never once left my side. She can handle my crazy overbearing family, and has even basically been added to the fam. She is there for me when I am being overdramatic and even a little rude. She stays by my side no matter how annoying or crazy I get. She's the one I go to for everything.
Of course no one can deny how beautiful and gorgeous she is. From her adorable smile to her shinning hazel eyes, she can go from cute college girl to a bangin' woman in minutes!
Catherine has a lot of amazing qualities and anyone that takes 2 seconds to pay attention will realize it.
While right now we are miles and miles apart it does not diminish how tight our friendship is. We went from spending nearly every minute together during senior year to seeing each other on holidays, and still it did not change a thing. Im so lucky that she and I have stayed so close through the distance and I am so pumped for the day that we travel the world together
So yeah, thats just a few reasons to what makes Catherine so great. If you would like to find out all the others then move to Missouri and become friends with her.
Alright that was just my loving rant about my friend.
Peace and blessings
P.S. I love you even though you have broken our snapchat streaks like 5 times @cat <3