My oh my. Today was an...experience to say the least.
Now maybe for some people valentines day isn't a huge deal. For some people it is just another day on this good ole planet. Some people think its just a holiday created by hallmark to make money. I don't know your view on the holiday, but it has always been a big deal for me.
Every single year when I was growing up my dad would go ALL out. He would wake up early in the morning and get my mom a few dozens of roses, her favorite chocolate, and wake her up with really good breakfast. For me he would always get me a GIANT stuffed animal, a few valentines day cards, and of course candy. It was always just a huge deal. My dad would make it day to just really show us how much we meant to him.
Now sure, people will say "well you should just always treat the people you care about well", and I do agree with it. But not everyone has time to wake up at 4 in the morning and get presents EVERY DAY. So I never minded this day of the year where my dad would go all out.
So ever since I started dating, I would always go all out for this lovey dovey holiday. When I was dating Allen I made him some bomb gifts. And he did the same for me. Then when I was dating Patrick he took me out and did anything that day to make me happy. Soooooooooo what about this year? Well this year on valentines day I am 100% single. I haven't been single on valentines day since I was a Freshman in high school. HIGH SCHOOL!
Im not going to lie, it was kind of lonely?? I feel as though lonely isn't the correct word. It felt strange because this year I didn't have someone knocking on my door with flowers. While I'm not trying to complain, or throw myself a pity party, I am just trying to stress that I haven't experienced this in a while.
So what did single Allysa do today? I made sure to busy myself. I had class from 12-2. Then after that I studied for 5.5 hours (a nice romantic setting with my books). I made cupcakes while studying. Forced myself not too creep on my ex's, turned on sappy music, immediately turned off sappy music. Took out the cupcakes. Had to force myself not to creep on my ex's again. Then finished studying.
Around 8, I went and had dinner with one of my little's Sarina and my roommate Itati. I didn't realize how much I was going to need that today, but I really did.
Needless to say, while yeah its not a huge deal to spend valentines day alone, but it was very weird for me. Im not going to lie and say I loved it, but I know it was good for me. But I am excited for one day to be with someone again on valentines day and be an annoying couple.