Last week of high school

Welp.  This is it.  As of today, June 2nd 2016, I am done with high school.  I don't really know what to talk about in this blog post, mainly because it hasn't really hit me that I'm done, so I'm just gonna go with it.
These last 4 years of high school have been full of memories, change, and hardships.  It has been anything but easy, yet I wouldn't trade my experience for anything.  
I have learned so much about people and myself.  I used to be this little naive freshman girl that was naive and believed anything.  But now I know that I have handed a little, not so naive anymore.  While I am no longer the same giddy freshman Allysa that I used to be, I am so thankful for all that I have grown.
When I went into high school 4 years back I never listened to anything my parents would say about growing apart from people, mean girls, drama, and stressful work, but in reality everything they said was true.  
High school I have made some amazing friends, but I have also lost just as many.  I came into high school with a goal to have 10000 best friends, just like how it seemed in middle school, as of today I have 7 best friends (3 of which I rarely get to see) and those 7 friends mean the world to me.  But through these years I have learned that letting go is not always bad.  Sometimes people come into your life for a certain amount of time and then they go, but it is for a reason.  Some people leave because their time is up but some people leave because you will be genuinely better off without them.  At the time it is painful, but looking back I don't regret anything.
High school has taught me that sometimes people can be mean, really mean, not always towards you but towards other people, and that it is up to you to decide if you want to associate yourselves with them.  It taught me that you can't listen to everything people say, even if you trust them.  It taught me that it is really best to focus on yourself and not what the rest of the crowd is up to.
High school has taught me that I will never be the; prettiest, most talented, smartest, or funniest, but that as long as I really try my best then that is all that matters.
While everything that I have just talked about may seem so depressing, I don't mean it in that way.  High school has brought me some incredible experiences and introduced me to people I hope are in my life forever, but in the moment it had hard lessons also.  Even if not everyday was the best, or every person was genuine, everything happens for a reason, everything happens to build you into who you are becoming.
I am far done from learning about people, life, and myself, but these past 4 years have taught me so much.
It is so crazy that my story here is done, but I have so excited to see what college has in store for me.
If I were to have any advice for people going through high school all I would have to say is to enjoy it, and to breathe every now and then.

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