Orientation Stuff
Day 1: Tip #1: Have ALL your paperwork ready.
Even if you don't know if you need it, bring it, it will never hurt. So as soon as I got to orientation we got into a line and they began to check us off. It went by really quickly, since I had all my stuff. Then at the end of the line they handed us a bag full of information and a cool t-shirt. I got my key and room number and headed over to drop my stuff off with my parents. I was very nervous because I have never been in this sort of situation, me rooming with 3 strangers. As soon as my parents left my roommates came in and they were all really nice! It took a little to warm up but then we were all talking like it was nothing. The dorms we are staying in is super nice and I like the privacy that comes with it. This dorm rooms 4 people, each in their own room, 2 bathrooms and 1 living area. You need a card not only to get into the dorm, but into your room also. We all mingled and then I took a little nap haha.
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Left to Right: Hannah, Martha, Me, and Sabrina. We all look dead, because we basically were. |
Not going to lie the day was very stressful and had me really missing my family and the A-Dawg, but I am happy to say that events have turned around and has me feeling better about this whole college thing :).
Tip #2: Be bold!
The second day of orientation contained so much more information than the last, but it was all very interesting and necessary. I was really nervous because I still hadn't gotten to know anyone in my groups, but then to my surprise this girl (her name is Tris) ended up being a lot nicer than I had expected so I stuck with her for most of the day. The second day also contained a "Rowdy Walk" and our groups walked in a path throughout the campus and in traditional areas Orientation Leaders would act out the scene of the tradition. It was really cool and entertaining.
We also got to sit through a really interesting lecture on neuroscience, to some this may sound boring BUT EVERYONE was interested. At the very end of the day we had to attend a mandatory block party. I thought that it was going to be lame, but then it ended up being really fun! There was a snow cone station, a dancing area, and a karaoke section. A spanish song called "Suavemente" came on and I pulled my new friend out on the dance floor. ALL the mexican students were pulling salsa moves and I even danced with a random group of girls and guys! It was really cool. Tris and I later found the karaoke station, everyone was just getting up and singing. Some people were decent and some people were just having fun, but everyone still clapped and cheered them on! This is what pushed me to actually get up and sing! I would NEVER do this in a million years, but I was feeling really spontaneous so I put my name down and quickly picked "Take Me To Church". I got up on the little stage and just started singing, I was nervous for a little but then I loosened up. The entire time I sang EVERYONE was cheering like crazy for me. It felt surreal and I am so grateful that I actually went through with it. I told myself that I would get better with my stage fright, so I guess this is a good start! The night ended with snow cones and then Tris and I parted ways heading back to the dorms. As soon as I got in my roommate (Sabrina) was there and before we could even talk I screamed and jumped on top of the couch. There was a stupid cockroach! Sabrina jumped on the couch also and we tried to get Hannah to kill it but then she freaked out, then Martha walked into the room and just started laughing and killed it. She was our hero.
We got this cool pin during the tradition walk. "Now and Forever I am a Roadrunner" |
There was a survival table during the block party, and they gave us a nifty survival guide, it includes numerous tips and maps. |
The last day of orientation went by rather quickly, it included a lot of free time and a lot of advising. We finally got to meet with our advisors and they made me feel so so much better! They helped me decide what plan was smart for my major and which courses I should take. I finally got my id, haha, pumped for 4 more years of ugly id pictures!!11! All in all orientation isn't so bad. It is definitely scary but it is all part of this crazy thing called college.
I LOVE how green of a campus UTSA is :) |
Orientation down, College to go! |