Allysa Chronicles
The Allysa Chronicles: Thoughts at 3 A.M
Hello world. Hows it going? Is it going well?? I seriously hope so. Because to be honest right now is a rough one.
It is currently 3 a.m., in case you could not tell by the title. I was shuffling through my drawer, trying to find my scarce amount of socks, when I came across a note. When I picked it up I had absolutely no clue what in the world I had found hiding at the back of my nightstand. But no need to worry, I quickly figured it out.
What I found was a note from the boy I just got out of a relationship with. Now, for those who have been with me through this process, you will know that I am doing surprisingly okay. Just okay, not super amazing or super sad...just okay. So when I came across the note it didn't cause me to fall on my knees sobbing and have a breakdown. But to be honest, it made me have a lot of doubts about myself.
I know I recently posted an entree about how things happen for a reason, or the breakup needed to happen because I need some time for myself, and it was God calling me. And I am not redacting any of those statements because I still believe them to be true. But it still doesn't take away the doubts I am having at this very moment.
One of the things that he had told me was that he could see a future with me at the very beginning of the relationship, but as the relationship went on it began to slip away. Or how he loved me a lot when I wasn't open. When he said those words I really didn't believe him. Who the fuck, (sorry but if I'm going to be honest in this post, I'm going to type the way I am feeling), knows that they want to marry someone at 1 month in. So when he told me this I didn't originally believe him. Or how he said that I couldn't open up when he cared about me the most, I thought he was just being overdramatic and making up reasons. But as I sat there, with my messy bun and bags under my eyes, reading the letter...I realized everything he said was true. In the note he did say he could see his future with me. He said he could envision us traveling together and starting a family. And he did in fact tell me that he wished I would open up.
So you may be wondering, okayyyy??? Why are you saying this Allysa? What does this have to do with anything? I am saying this because for once it IS my fault for a breakup. Whether or not this was SUPPOSED to happen is a totally different story, but I DID cause this breakup.
The part that terrifies me is that, I thought that I finally did open up in a relationship. I thought that was allowing someone to love me, but more than anything, allowing MYSELF to love...when I guess I wasn't. Looking back I realize I never changed. I convinced myself that I did, I convinced myself that I was letting him in, when I really didn't do any of those things. As I was reading the pages of him confessing his love for me all I could think about was the amount of stuff I didn't tell him. Honestly, I know it was all out of fear.
Im starting to freak myself out because I don't know if I will ever really be able to let ANYONE in. Maybe that sounds cliche or dramatic, no I know it does, but I don't really care. That is where I am at right now. I am hoping that this time to myself and stage of discovery will teach me to open up and no longer be scared. Yet, I would be lying if I don't have this fear and doubt that I never will.
The one person I have ever really let in was my past boyfriend Allen. And even then I never told him when I was feeling doubtful or scared. Isn't that the point of letting someone in? When I watch how my parents act towards each other it seems so easy for them to be emotional with each other. Granted they have been together longer than I have been alive, but still. My mom told me that when they were young they would tell each other EVERYTHING. The good and the bad. From moments of feeling insanely happy for no reason, to times of insecurities.
I feel that I am so dead focused on being this perfect person, this perfect girlfriend, that I never really allow myself to show when I am down. In my most recent relationship the times I would show weakness would be when I was self sabotaging and nearly ripping away our relationship. I would run away, but he would always follow. I guess I got used to that, which is stupid. I got used to him running after me and forcing me to work out the problem, when in was way to early for those things to be happening. People always say that the "right person" will run after you time and time again. Im sorry but right now I feel like that is B.S. Boyfriends are human. Husbands are human. Everyone is only human. And humans can only take so much chasing.
I guess it just sucks knowing that you are the reason for the ending of something momentarily good. It sucks reading a note that says "you are worth it", "I believe in you to open up", "I won't give up on you". Because that is exactly what happened, and I have no one to blame but myself.
I know this might all seem so stupid and some people might see my problem so clearly and just want to shake me. Its fine, I get it, you don't know me. For people that do, they know that I'm really just not a very emotional person. The people that know me understand that I really do wish I COULD be more emotional, maybe it would make these things easier. But I'm just not, and I can't force myself to be something that isn't me. At least not in one night. But at this moment I really wish I could have been more open. I wish I could be more open now. I have been trying really hard to open up to the people around me, but it just feels so wrong.
I used to think I didn't understand how people could do flings, but I am really starting to get it. Flings are easy, especially when you don't get attached (and I really don't). You can be the surface level you. The you that you pretend to be in front of people that won't be in your life for very long. You can talk about the things you are good at and the things you aspire to do. Flings are easy because they last just long enough for you to make yourself seem impressive. Im not trying to sound conceited, but I think this is why a good amount of boys become interested in me. On paper I seem great. They see that I'm smart, decent looking, athletic, witty, and I laugh a lot. But I'm a lot more than that. Im so much more than a gpa and mile time. Im the breakdowns, the doubts, the messy bun. Im the girl that never looks at herself after getting out of the shower. Im the girl that sometimes has to leave the house just so I don't stick a finger down my throat. Thats why relationships are so scary. This is why I'm terrified to open up. I know I don't want people to see the "ugly" side of me. Maybe thats sounds stupid. Everyone has an ugly side, I know I'm not the only one. But I just don't know how to let anyone really in. I guess its just hard to see a point. I already know what he would have told me if I said all of this. He would have hugged me, kissed me, and then pointed out every reason why I am not the things I sometimes think I am. But what does that do? Think about it, what does that really do?? Nothing. It does nothing if you don't believe it yourself.
I know that this is what I need to work on. I need to work on loving myself and blah blah blah. But its really damn hard. Especially when you don't understand how to let anyone in. Because the few times I tried, I did it wrong, and things ended.
So yeah. If anyone reads this sorry for such a deep and sad post. But i'd rather keep it real than pretend I'm this happy person alllll the time, cause nobody is.
If you are feeling like this then know you aren't alone I guess, and that it will eventually get better...maybe just not right now.