My love for pictures
I have always had a love and desire to take pictures. Since I was little I have always loved having a camera and making scrapbooks. Something about capturing a moment made me so happy and full of joy. Earlier in the year I had my pictures taken by this girl at my school, on her instagram all of the pictures she had taken of her friends were amazing. So I asked her to take mine feeling that they would look just like that. But in the end I didn't like the final product. I had never had my pictures taken before, so I didn't know anything about what was going to happen, I didn't know; What clothes photographed well, how much makeup is too much makeup, or really her. So in the end I didn't like the way I looked in any of the pictures. Not bashing the girl who took my pictures, because she is very talented, but I just didn't end up liking them. But ever since then I became very interested in portraits. I loved how you could capture someone beauty and make the entire session about them, so I decided to really try it out.
I looked up poses on pintrest, tested them out, and then asked a friend if I could take her senior pictures for free. They ended up turing out very nicely! So I continued to keep practicing every chance I got, and I have loved ever second of it. People actually pay me to take them now, and I think that is really cool, in reality I could take peoples pictures and not ask for the money because I enjoy it so much. But in reality it is a good little way to get money. What I usually do before taking peoples pictures is I check what they will be wearing in the shoot. I do this to make sure that it will make them look good in the pictures, because some outfits don't photograph well. While I am taking there pictures I help them step by step through complete poses and make sure to remind them that they are looking great, because most people find these situations uncomfortable so I have to remind them that they look good.
During one of my sessions my friend pointed out to me that I am smiling while taking their pictures, even when they were doing serious poses, this made me so overjoyed because I just showed how much I enjoyed doing this.
I think that taking pictures is so much fun because this is my time to make the people feel great about themselves and capture them looking amazing.
I still have so much to learn about my camera and portraits, but my next step is finding more spots to take pictures and how to incorporate the backgrounds more with the feel of their outfits.
Below are some of my faves, theres a lot, so I'm warning you now

During one of my sessions my friend pointed out to me that I am smiling while taking their pictures, even when they were doing serious poses, this made me so overjoyed because I just showed how much I enjoyed doing this.
I think that taking pictures is so much fun because this is my time to make the people feel great about themselves and capture them looking amazing.
I still have so much to learn about my camera and portraits, but my next step is finding more spots to take pictures and how to incorporate the backgrounds more with the feel of their outfits.
Below are some of my faves, theres a lot, so I'm warning you now