3/7 Goodbyes: Dear Catherine
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Ew. |
Dear Catherine,
Wow, I don't even know where to begin with this letter. There is so much I want to say but so much of it is jumbled up in different places of my brain. I guess I will just start from when we met.
I met you the same way I met Paige, hiding under a blanket at Anastacia's birthday party. That night we talked and laughed and exchanged phone numbers.
It wasn't until 8th grade that we really began to get close. In 8th grade I told you everything and so did you. I told you about the Walmart situation and you told me everything going on with your family. In 8th grade we ordered so many pizza's, for so many sleepovers, and 9/10 we asked for a drawing on the box. We talked about boys and when we would FINALLY get our first kiss, because in our minds EVERYONE had gotten theirs. We skyped right before Glee came on and talked constantly about Pretty Little Liars. We established a "Code Red" and whenever it was used we had to run to the other persons house as fast as humanly possible (used when Allan came over). And yes, 8th grade we both had our first kisses.
We began High School together, nervous about fitting in and what was to come. Freshman year we finally had a class together, Biology, which is where we had one of our huge dramatic fights, of course it was so unimportant I don't even remember what it was about.
Sophomore year was our last year with the group before everything changed.
Junior year was a year of studying and stressing out. You with a job and AP classes, me with Ap Bio and Pre-cal. Never again.
Senior year went by in a blur. I feel the real beginning of our friendship.
I began to shorten the year explanations because I really could go on and on with stores, but that isn't all I want to focus on.
Cat, you have honestly helped make me a better person. You helped bring me out of my shell, even if you didn't realize it. You made me meet people I didn't care to meet, and out of it I have learned how NOT to be awkward around people that I don't know. You have helped me to look at something in a different way, from people to situations to morals. Through our MANY differences you taught me how to act with people so different than me.
Im going to miss you so much Catherine. Its so weird that we will no longer be seeing each other daily. I'm going to miss our scary movie nights, even though half the time you fell asleep. Scary movies will always be our thing, never forgetting the horrors of Saw and who I watched them with. Im going to miss our Taco Bell runs. You see, in my mind, I liked them so much because it meant that we could go anywhere at anytime and it still be just as fun. Because we were just hanging out. Im going to miss resorting to Criminal Minds when we had nothing better to do.
I know I wasn't very emotional when I said goodbye to you the other day, but it was really just because I'm still shocked. It won't hit me till I'm alone in my dorm craving Taco Bell.
Right now you are going through rush, it is actually the first day, and I know you are going to do great! You are the type of person that draws people to you, people love to be around you, always have and always will. Don't worry about being the pretties, tannest, or blondest girl! The good ones will be able to look past that. If you ever have a bad feeling about one of them then listen to your gut!
I am excited to hear about Rush, college, and people you will meet. I really hope you come visit me during Mom's weekend because I don't think I can last all the way to December!
We have to Skype as much as we can and text each other updates! Okay I LOVE YOU!
Bye kid
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LoL!!!!111! |